Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Today I reached Harrison Bay State Park in Harrison, Tennessee. Relatively smooth drive. Lots of very rough pavement, but mostly light traffic. This is a beautiful park. Very hilly, on a big lake. Man made, I think.

Tomorrow I am going to drain the fresh water, and black water tanks and put in some antifreeze. Friday I will be driving into snow country and I'll be worrying about water lines freezing. I think the next couple of stops are going to be at motels, and then at my daughters and then home. The one thing these trips do is to make home seem like heaven. Even Patty gets a halo.

I have felt very alone on this trip. Didn't use to bother me. I will never, again, make one of these long trips without ham radio ability. I had planned on installing a system during this trip, but events just got in the way. I plan on stopping at the Ham Radio Outlet in New Hampshire on the way home to buy the pieces I need to rig this camper.

1 comment:

  1. A solo trip without Ham Radio is just wrong Art! Get thee to an HRO!
