Wednesday, January 15, 2020

I am home. There were too many negatives on the trip, to the point I wasn't having fun. So, decided to end the trip. The major positive was all the wonderful people I met on this trip. It's a shame that I met most of them in the context of needing help.

Maybe I will be able to do the trip across the northern states this coming spring.  Would love to make a trip using this camper and take a boat to go sailing on the great lakes.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Took the time to winterize the camper today. Drained the black water and fresh water tanks. Then put four gallons of antifreeze in the fresh water tank. Then pumped some of that into the black water tank. All the water lines should have antifreeze in them now.

A nice couple stopped by to say hello. Milton and Lois are from just thirty miles away, so are on their home territory. He is a semi-retired biology professor, she has done a number of teaching and librarian jobs. The kind of connection that makes this type of travel fun. They had never heard of geocaching or Rvillage. So maybe I led them in a new path.

Went out for lunch and had a decent barbecue. Stopped and bought a bunch of snacks and now I'm just waiting to leave. Hope to leave at dawn tomorrow. Don't want to be driving in the dark, but leave as early as possible. That's been my routine lately. Then stop for breakfast when it's time for a driving break.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Today I reached Harrison Bay State Park in Harrison, Tennessee. Relatively smooth drive. Lots of very rough pavement, but mostly light traffic. This is a beautiful park. Very hilly, on a big lake. Man made, I think.

Tomorrow I am going to drain the fresh water, and black water tanks and put in some antifreeze. Friday I will be driving into snow country and I'll be worrying about water lines freezing. I think the next couple of stops are going to be at motels, and then at my daughters and then home. The one thing these trips do is to make home seem like heaven. Even Patty gets a halo.

I have felt very alone on this trip. Didn't use to bother me. I will never, again, make one of these long trips without ham radio ability. I had planned on installing a system during this trip, but events just got in the way. I plan on stopping at the Ham Radio Outlet in New Hampshire on the way home to buy the pieces I need to rig this camper.

Monday, January 6, 2020

I am in an RV park in Meridian, Mississippi. Very much a park designed for big rigs and people on the way somewhere. Concrete pads.Twenty seven spaces, two unisex washrooms/showers. Clean and spacious, but expecting few users. No tent sites. No playgrounds, no store.

I will be here for two nights and a day. Looking forward to being back in Maine. Even if there is snow on the ground.

The trip here was relatively easy in most respects. Not much traffic. Some of the roads were very rough. I am constantly worried that I'm feeling the symptoms that led to a new fuel pump. I can't tell if what I'm feeling is the lousy road, or a misfire. So very nervous. Very tired from being on edge.

Two couples here with ties to Maine. One woman born in Bangor. One man who was stationed at Dow Air Force Base (now Bangor airport) when they were closing down the base and giving the place to the city of Bangor.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

I am in the Hidden Pines Family Campground in Egan, Louisiana. I like the place, but will be leaving Monday. The truck was running well on the way here, so some of my uneasiness has gone.

The decision has been made. I am headed home by the fastest route. Tomorrow night I will be at a campground in Meridian, MS. There have been too many negatives on this trip.

This campground I one of the nicest I've ever stayed in. Restrooms, and laundry are clean and comfortable. Owners are great. In fact, Stephanie, (of Chance and Stephanie, owners) just made me promise to call her when I get home, just to reassure her that I made it OK.