Sunday, December 1, 2019

Wow. Long time no posting. Life has gotten in the way and changed.

I'm on the road again. In a slide in, full size camper. The Aliner is parked in the driveway at home, being used as a craft room. Probably sell it in the spring.

Not actually on the road, parked at daughters house in Marlborough, CT. Planning to leave here Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on the weather. Then a stop in NJ, and on to the daughters in Hampton, VA.

Then it will be really on the road with no set itinerary. Possible stop in Tennessee to sell a banjo. Then a stop in the Florida panhandle. There I will decide to head for south Florida or west to who knows where. Planning to stay in warm places as much as possible.

There will be geocaching, and visits to odd places on the way. With a little bit of work and some purchases on the way I'll try to get on my ham radio when not driving.

I'm going to try harder to meet interesting people on the way. As an introvert I haven't put much effort into that in the past.

I would love to hear from people as I travel. Please post.


  1. Have fun Art! We're looking forward to hearing of your travels 😊

    1. Always enjoy hearing from you.
      Leaving CT tomorrow morning. Hope to be in VA or close tomorrow night.
      From there it will be up to whim.
      Say hello to Tina

  2. Hi Art! I sent link to Cory so he can bookmark it. Safe travels!
